Is your child a post-secondary student who is living at home and driving to school?
Here is what you need to know about car insurance and student drivers:
Add your student as an occasional driver
If your student lives at home and drives to school only some of the time, you can add them to your car insurance policy as an occasional driver.
This means they would be sharing your car and using it only occasionally. Adding a student as an occasional driver is likely a more affordable solution than providing them with their own vehicle and car insurance.
Get a multi-vehicle discount
If your child is living at home and driving to school, a multi-vehicle discount is another way to save money on car insurance for a student. If
your child’s car is in your name, you can ask your insurer for a multi-vehicle discount and some companies will allow up to 5 vehicles to be insured under the same name.
They will consider how often each vehicle is used, so if your student is driving more than you, for example, make sure they drive the less expensive car because it is cheaper to insure.
What if your child ids driving and away at school
If your child is going away to school and taking a family car with them, coverage for an occasional driver will not be enough. They will need to be insured as a primary, or principal, driver.
A primary driver is the person who drives the car the most, in this case, the student who is taking the car to college or university with them.
You need to disclose to your insurer that your child is away at school and using your car.
Why you should keep your child on your car insurance policy
Keeping your child on your car insurance policy maintains continuous insurance coverage. This can help them out in the future when they get their own car. A longer record of accident-free insurance coverage can help them get lower rates.
When your child returns home for holidays, they’ll be able to drive your vehicle as often as they like.
Ask your Wyatt Dowling car insurance expert if the student driver in your home qualifies for a discount.
Driver’s training discount
Your car insurance premium could be hundreds of dollars lower for up to three years if your student successfully completes a driver’s training course recognized by the government.
Before choosing one, find out if:
The instructor and driving school is recognized by your province
Your student can learn on either automatic or standard transmission
What teaching methods will be used and what the curriculum is
The driving school is recognized by your insurer
What if my student driver is away for school?
If they do take their vehicle away to school as the principal driver, they can expect to get a new rate depending on where they move to.
If the car remains at the parent’s house and will have limited access to the car they may get a discount.
Are my child’s belongings covered if the move away for school?
Yes, your child’s belongings are covered, subject to their deductible. Let your insurance provider know of your child’s change of address. Most student housing or residences will require that you have insurance.