
Financial services for you.

Our role in the Financial Planning process is to make informed recommendations based on your needs. Planning for retirement is a life-long process. It should start with your first paycheque.

However, for the majority of people, planning for retirement is the furthest thing from their minds until they attain the age of 55 or 60 - and by that time it's too late. The time to start planning, whatever your age, is now.

There are many investment tools which can be used to properly invest your money. Our knowledgeable Wyatt Dowling Insurance Brokers are here to assist you in diversifying your investments based on your current needs to achieve your financial goals.

Our diversified portfolio management offers investments within: 

Segregated Funds

Protection from creditors

RRSP plans

Registered with the Federal Government used for retirement saving

RRIF plans

Provides steady income during retirement

Mutual Funds

An investment tool which is professionally managed and funded by its shareholders.

GICs (Guaranteed Investment Certificates)

A Canadian investment offering guaranteed rates of return for a fixed period.

Self-Directed RRSP plans

An investment tool which is allowing the individual to more actively choose and manage investments within a spousal or individual RRSP.

Disability Insurance

Your most valuable asset is your ability to earn an income. Where will that income come from if you are unable to earn it?

  • Estate Planning
  • Business Planning
  • Farm Planning
  • Tax Planning
  • Group Insurance

Have questions about your Financial Planning?
Wyatt Dowling Insurance Brokers are always ready to answer.

Leave your worries at our door.